Saturday, August 11, 2007

An Early Visit

Last Sunday my son and I did not make it over to Grandma’s house as my son decided he did not want to visit her. Tomorrow we are attending a work picnic for my wife in the afternoon but have decided that we will make a visit to Grandma earlier in the day. My son asked about visiting her from 9 until 3 Pm.

His thinking is he wants to go swimming there and the pool is open from 9 until 12 noon on Sunday. He also wants to have time to spend with his grandmother and since we want to leave for the picnic around 3:15, he figured we could stay until shortly before it was time to leave for the picnic (giving us time to get back here and pick up mom, my wife).

The thought is very nice, but I will not go for that. First off, there is no way he will be ready to leave here before 9 AM and even if he is, he will change his mind, wanting to watch television, or play on the computer.

In addition, as much as he loves his grandmother and his grandmother loves him, unless he is watching television at her place (and paying no attention to her) or playing on the computer at here place (and paying no attention to her), there is no way they will be able to find something to do with each other for three hours.

Still, as long as we get over there and we have some time to spend with her and she has time to spend with her grandson, I will be happy.

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