Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Dentures

Good News, my mother-in-law is wearing her dentures. The dentist trimmed them a little for her and she said they still did not feel comfortable. He told her she still needed to get used to them and after a few days, they would feel much better. He even told her that if she could not manage to wear them all the time, if she wore them for a few hours a day, it would help a lot (How come I did not think about that?)

After telling her this, the dentist got down on his hands and knees and literally begged her to wear them. I do not know if she will, but when she left the office, she was wearing them, and that is good news. I have long been a fan of doctor’s who understand the importance of a good bedside manner. In this case, it was important. Rather than getting angry at her for not wearing them and taking care of them (and yes, I have seen doctors and dentists do this), he showed compassion, affection and humor. I do not know if it will work but there is certainly a better chance it will work this way than by almost any other reaction he could have used.

Still, overall, she continues to be in a good mood, so if the dentures work, and she starts eating on a regular basis, I think things overall will be much smoother. Yeah!!

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