Monday, September 17, 2007

Stay Calm, Please!

Today my mother-in-law called my wife’s cell phone wanting to talk with her grandson. My wife was getting set to go to a meeting and listening to my wife on the phone, you would think her mom committed a terrible offense.

From my end I hear, “Maaa, I gotta go, I have a meeting in less than 15 minutes.”

“Yes, they are here” (obviously asking about me and my son).

“Call back on the house phone” and, “You have the number,” are not far off.

Well, my mother-in-law never called so after about half an hour, we called her. She asked for the home phone number and I gave it to her. My wife’s mother says, “But, that’s the same number you had in the apartment.”

“Yes Mom. We were able to keep the same number.”

Her mom, initially did not realize that we no longer had a phone at the apartment as well as here in the new house. Her mom did not realize that we were able to keep the same phone number. I explained to her all that we did and she understood.

Sometimes I really wish my wife would treat her mother like some of the people she works for and understand she needs to be patient. When my wife got home from the meeting, I told her what was confusing her mother.

“But, I explained all this to her,” she says in a frustrated voice.

Sometimes I do not understand why she gets so frustrated.

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